evangel cathedral

History & The Vision

Evangel Cathedral


It was the late john l. Meares and his obedience to hearing the inner voice of the holy spirit that the evangel cathedral was birthed.  Pastor meares, along with his wife mary lee meares, left a thriving church in memphis, tennessee to come to washington, d.C. He heard god say, “I am sending you to a people that are hungry for the gospel.”  knowing no one in washington, d.C., in july 1955, he relocated his family by faith totally persuaded that he had heard from god. A massive tent was erected on the grounds that later became the parking lot for the rfk football stadium.
Preaching alongside the late reverend jack coe in an evangelistic tent revival meeting that lasted several weeks. Pastor meares had never witnessed the numerous healing miracles of god and the thousands of people coming to hear god’s word.  Pastor meares was preaching to a predominantly african american congregation attending the tent revival.  He realized that these were the people that god said were hungry for the gospel.
In march 1989, bishop john l. Meares passed the torch of leadership.  He consecrated his son, donald d. Meares, as the senior pastor of evangel cathedral.  Pastor don accepted his calling to lead his generation to impart the vision and destiny of the church.
Starting with 250 people under don meares leadership evangel cathedral rapidly grew to over 4,000 members. One of the largest african american churches in the nation. The church continued to grow and flourish.  The vision of don meares was still greater. He designed and built two more edifices adding to the evangel cathedral campus and renovated the original building that is now known as heaven’s gate. This campus of 100acres and 250,000 square feet of finished space, not only serves as a light to its community but it is a testament to the power and favor of god on this house of worship. The evangel cathedral family has continued to be blessed and highly favored by the lord.

The Vision

The vision of jesus is ‘the great commission’ to receive holy spirit empowerment, to be his witnesses, to make disciples of christ’s teachings in our city, our state, our nation and every nation.
By faith disciples who follow the commandments of jesus ‘shall be saved’ (greek sozo: delivered from the penalty and power of sin) by receiving godly repentance, being baptized in water, and receiving the gift of the holy spirit and fire.
By faith disciples of christ will continue to ‘be doers of the word, and not hearers only.’
Acts 1:1,2,8; matthew 28:18-20; mark 16:15-18; luke 24:46-49; john 3:3,5-8; acts 2:1-4,21,36-41; colossians 2:11-15 matthew 3:11; james 1:21-25 and hebrews 6:1-3.