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Are You Ready to Hear, Do, and See Results?

Apostle Don Meares
Evangel Cathedral is in a season of sudden miracles that God will continue to do. We are in a season of favor and protection. God has told us that it’s our time to experience change, growth, expansion, victory, access, and ownership. Are you ready?

Three things God wants to do in this church, your life, and your family.

God is showing us things that He wants to accomplish in our lives.

1. He wants the church, you, and your family to be debt-free. The key to your freedom is the freedom of this church.

2. He wants the church, you, and your family to be disease-free. He wants us to be healed spiritually and physically. More than the healing from sicknesses, He wants us to be healthy and well in all aspects of our lives.

3. He wants the church, you, and your family to be destiny-free. He wants to break you free from what’s holding you back to fulfill the destiny He has for you.

If God can do it for others, He can also do it for you. He is no respecter of persons, and He wants to take you to places others won’t understand because not everyone can go where God is taking you. To reach this place, you can’t remain where you are. You have to rise higher. We can’t stay where we’ve been, so we need to close the doors of the past to see the new things God is accomplishing in our lives. To enter the door of access, the key is Philippians 3:13-14:
“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

God wants to display His marvelous works, mysteries, and signs to us. The manifestations are a unique and sufficient grace that will reveal God’s might even in our weakness. God will communicate His purpose to you as you work toward His Kingdom. This church will display great signs in the years ahead to highlight that our best days are yet to come.

An Apostolic Message: God’s Requirements for This Season

We shouldn’t just hear but do what the Word says. We are to obediently carry out what God tells us until we see results. To do this, we must remember these three words—time, dimensions, and season.

When it comes to seasons, many prophets vaguely talk about these but fail to give the specifics that can help people. You have to come to terms with many different aspects of the season you are currently in. Additionally, there are also many things that God requires for you in this season before you can go to the next one. You can’t just sit back and watch God do everything for you. James 1:22 reminds us:

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

What God will do in your life is conditional—the outcome will depend on you. What happens this season will depend on whether you do what He tells you to. You won’t receive the promise if you don’t fulfill the condition.

God has given Evangel Cathedral specific steps to fulfill His conditions. Let us ask ourselves: Are we doing these well?

In this season of favor, miracles, unusual, uncommon, unexpected, and unpredictable events, God will pour out His grace upon you if you humble yourself before Him. If you sow, you will continue to dwell in God’s season of blessing—receiving your inheritance and reaping your harvest.

This is a tremendous season. Wouldn’t it be life-changing to see how God will move in your midst and accomplish these great things in the next six months? But, this is not all. We must be very careful because this is also a season where the enemy wants to do specific things to you. To stop him in his tracks, here are three things you have to watch out for:

He wants to curse your future, especially your children.
He wants to rob you of your inheritance.
He wants to short-circuit and stop the flow of blessing in your life.

In order to win this spiritual war, you must know God’s requirements for you this season.

You cannot be distracted by irrelevant things.

It’s usually the small things that can get under your skin and mess up your whole day. You have to stay focused so that you can continue to do what God has commanded.
In this season of your life, you have to be able to be hurt and stay focused. You’ve got to be able to handle mistreatment and stick with the assignment. You’ve got to deal with disappointment without slipping into discouragement. This is not the season of your life to get into your feelings about what’s coming. There is no way the devil will sit down and let you slide in. You have to stay focused.

You have to obey the word of the Lord for this season.

In this new season, God is not just coming to visit. He is coming to dwell in the revival. He says that He wants His presence always to be here. God is bringing with Him power, splendor, and glory.

This church is not just going through a relocation. This is an act of obedience. God wants Evangel Cathedral to get into an atmosphere to usher in His Presence. Here are some of the requirements God has given us:

First, we must fast, for there is no revival without fasting. Every Saturday, we must fast from 6 in the morning until 6 in the evening. Then, we must pray for revival daily. In our individual prayer times, we must hunger and thirst for God Himself so that revival will come. Next, we must celebrate the Lord’s Day. We are to bring people into the church to have them saved and baptized by the Holy Ghost. If you know God’s will, then it’s your responsibility to make it happen.

You must create a new sound of praise and do it with the intensity of celebration.

God gave us a sound. He will provide us with a new one if we continue to desire His Presence in our lives. It will bless God’s Name as well as our community. He is calling the youth to create this new sound. He has blessed them with skills that He will use to bring this new sound that will minister to others and lead the revival. We don’t have this yet, and this is why we need to go higher.

We have to get into a time of celebration. It’s our praises and celebration that will usher God’s Presence. It’s not just about singing songs. This is more than praise and worship because these should only enhance what we already came here with. We have to come into these doors with thanksgiving.

We need to gather earlier.
How many of us have been anticipating something from the Lord? You need to celebrate before you receive it so you’ll be ready for what’s coming. During the Lord’s Day, we need to get in the sanctuary at least 15 minutes before church begins. Then, when you arrive at your seat, start celebrating. We need to change our posture and our perspective. We don’t need to wait for manifestation to create a celebration.

The glory of the Lord causes a collision between the natural and the supernatural. When the glory of the Lord fills the house, there is a correlation between the natural and the supernatural. The supernatural always wins. To witness these great things, we must follow God’s lead so we won’t miss out on this great season.

Celebrate with the Expectation that God Will Move

When we come together, we have to be ready to sacrifice. Sometimes we don’t always come in the best of moods. But, God is telling us to make a sacrifice of joy. It says in Romans 14:17, “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” If you have the joy of the Lord, you will treat others better. This joy will affect your life in many ways.

There also must be a sacrifice of thanksgiving until you genuinely become thankful. Along with your sacrifice of joy, there must be grateful praise. This will lead you to sacrifice with a broken and contrite spirit (Psalm 51:17). We are also to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). When we lift our sacrifice of worship, it must be uninhibited so that we may become a spring of living water bubbling up with the Spirit of God. Colossians 3:16 reminds us to “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

The intensity of your celebration and expectation of God’s blessing should be released in your body. You should feel free to praise Him and prophecy because when there is prophecy, we hear the voice of Jesus in our midst.

As we follow God’s specific requirements in this season, God will reveal even greater things to us. He will show us His provision and direction. The season we are in right now is a season where we must change and grow. As we obey Him, let us remember Psalm 100:4:

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

God wants us to go where His power, splendor, and glory are at. As we immerse in prayer, worship, and all His other requirements, we must do it His way. If we do these excellently, He will pour a great harvest into our souls. To receive God’s promises, we must go through tremendous change. But these changes will all be worth seeing God’s great work manifest in our lives.