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A New Season

“To everything, there is a season,

A time for every purpose under heaven:” 

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Evangel Church is in a new season, a “suddenly” season where God’s blessings will quickly come to the lives of His people. Through this new season in our church and in our individual lives, those who do not know Him will see His goodness—even those in positions of authority. For Him to move in the midst of these people, we are commanded to speak and confess the Word so that they can see His power in our lives. 

When we obey God and do what He’s asking us to do now, we will be amazed at how He will suddenly bless us. He will suddenly do miracles. He will suddenly move things. He will suddenly make mountains disappear. God is about to do something where dreams that we have lost or dreams that we thought were dead will arise within our hearts.


Understand the changing seasons

In this season of sudden blessing, the Lord wants to bring the dreams He has given us in the past back to life. He shows us again the dreams that we cannot achieve using our own strength and power. But, just like God did in the life of Abraham, who received his calling at an old age, the Lord is showing us that He can still use us mightily and fulfill the dreams He breathed into our spirits. When God breathes a dream in our spirits, that dream will never happen without faith. God wants us to have this dream within our faith, and when we do not have faith, how will it happen when we have to take risks?

When God gives us a dream, we will face impossibilities as the enemy tries to cut it away from our lives as he is out to steal, kill, and destroy (see John 10:10). However, we must understand that God has given us this supernatural dream that we can hold on to for eternity because it is meant to bless other people. 

In this new season, God will continue to be present in our lives. He will provide for all our needs just like He did with the Israelites during the time of Moses (see Exodus 13:21-22). But as the seasons change, God is also requiring a change in us. We need to go through changes in order for God to release His blessings to us. 

What God wants us to do is to speak out of our spirits God’s Word. By verbalizing the Word, it will become like fire in our spirits and we will begin to confess Scriptures that God has given to us. In this new season, God wants us to become so hungry to read the Word until it reaches our hearts. Doing this will increase our faith, break the chains, destroy sickness, restore what was lost, make things right, and release the blessings meant to be ours. When we declare God’s Word, His rhema will fill our hearts. Where His Spirit is, there is freedom (see 2 Corinthians 3:17). When we speak the Word, we are changing the atmosphere supernaturally. Wherever we may be, God’s Word will release power into our lives. 


Four things we have to remember in this new season 

  • We must think highly of ourselves in Christ 

“ I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”Galatians 2:20

We will think of ourselves much better if we bear in mind that we are in Christ and that He is in us. He is the one in control. All the changes happening in our lives are meant to bring praise to God. We were once dead to sin but now we are alive in Christ (see Romans 6:11). 

It’s time for us to think highly of ourselves with regards to our identity in Christ. How can God bless His people if they have a small opinion of themselves? God has something so big in store for us that it will not be able to fit a tiny mentality. When we are in Christ, He is the one dealing with our situation as we walk in obedience to His Word. We must be humble to accept that we have been made new only because of His grace. 

  • We are a great people with great power

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”2 Timothy 1:7

God has called us a great people. When we begin to live this truth we have received, it will become a reality in our lives. Joshua 17:17 says, “You are a great people and have great power; you shall not have only one lot.” God has anointed us to become great individuals destined for a great blessing. We’ve been given an extraordinary assignment. We were called to be different. This means we won’t fit everywhere. Not everyone will understand what God is doing in our lives but we should continue focusing on this time and season. 

  • We must dream dreams that demand the supernatural intervention of God 

“For with God, nothing is impossible!”Luke 1:37

This is the time for us to dream dreams so big that if God doesn’t help you, you’ll never make it. If the Spirit of God has given us a dream, He will cause it to happen. If the dream is not big enough, seek Him and ask Him to give us His dreams. 

 God is about to raise our faith to receive the dream He has given us. He will resurrect our faith that these dreams will happen in this new season. If God has stepped into this season with us, He is saying to us, “Now is the time!” 

  • God has placed an open door in front of us that no one can shut

“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.” 

Revelation 3:8

God has placed an open door for us to go through. We must not let anyone stop us from entering new opportunities the Lord Himself set before us. If we can sense in our spirits that it is indeed from the Lord, we use the authority He has given us to go through it—no matter who is in the way! The door is open. Do not doubt and enter in. It has always been meant for us. 

As we enter 2022, let us prepare to receive a great blessing from the Lord. This season will be different. The Lord had forgiven and redeemed us from past seasons when we failed to pursue the calling He has given to us. He is doing something new in our midst this season. Let us continue to move in obedience and confidence that He will fulfill all the promises He has made. He is with us every step of the way.