“For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.” – Exodus 12:12

The Passover mentioned in Exodus is for the old creation. However, it is significant that we truly understand its meaning and the promises that come along with it so that we can fully comprehend its relation to the Cross, to Communion, the New Covenant, and how we can apply its power in our daily lives. 

Did you know that the original meaning of the word “Passover” in the Hebrew does not mean “to skip over” or “to pass over”? This is why TRUTH is important! The word “PASSOVER” really means OVERSHADOW. It means God is going to protect you, overshadow you, envelope you, invade you, and put something on you that isn’t present on others.

Now let’s go over the 4 promises of the Passover:

1. God Will Strike Down the Firstborn (our old nature / old self). –  Exodus 12:12 

This means our separation from the old nature. Remember Rebecca’s struggle with the two babies in her womb? This speaks of the 2 natures inside of us who are fighting on the inside of us, but the older shall serve the younger, the firstborn will be a servant to the second born, and the younger one will rule over the older. Our old nature or old man is the one born first in the original creation, while our new man is going to be the one who’s going to have the authority over the old man (the firstborn who’s supposed to be struck down by God himself). This is the first promise that God has given to us through the Passover. The striking of the firstborns in Egypt is an example of God destroying the authority of the old man. This means that sin shall no longer have power over us because God promises us in the new covenant to strike down and to kill the old man ( Romans 6). This is our separation from our previous existence. 

2. God Will Execute Judgment on Worldly Gods.Exodus 12:12

Whatever is trying to rule us from the system, all these idols and worldly gods that we have in this world and in our lives, God promises that He is going to execute judgment on all of them. The gods of the world will never get better. It’s only going to get worse and worse for all of them. Whatever is attempting to bring us back into the land of bondage and slavery and whatever is trying to tell us that whatever Jesus did does not apply to us is simply NOT TRUE.

3. God Will Protect and Overshadow the House Where You Are. — Exodus 12:13 

We have to remember that we, in essence, are not just our bodies. Our spirits live in our bodies, and Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians 5:11 that our body is the house where we are. This is what the new covenant tells us. The house where we are is not WHO we are, although people become familiar with who we are by getting familiar with the house (your body) that they see, because they can’t see the real you. Now going back to the promise, the blood protects and overshadows the house where we are. When we apply the blood over us, the blood protects our body because our body is the house where we are. Remember: we are a “spirit” living in a body that has a soul.

This means that our bodies have to be healed because God will not move into a house where the blood is applied that has sickness, poverty, or oppression. God says He is going to change the house that we are in because when the combination of the house and the blood come together, He is going to come and invade, protect, and passover that house or that body. God will protect that house that we are in! Sickness has to flee!

4. God Will Protect You from the Plagues. — Exodus 12:13

This is good news! Whatever the plague is, God promises that it shall not be on us to destroy us (and it’s not supposed to be on us in the first place). But if we have to get a diagnosis that a plague of sickness is on us, then we need to understand that if we believe God’s Word, it can’t destroy us — that sickness can’t kill us because we are a new creation. It cannot separate us from our connection and our union with Christ Jesus! But there is a condition to this promise: this will only take effect IF we believe God’s Word! 

If God’s presence is going to invade and protect us, then how can any plague overpower God overshadowing and protecting us? It cannot destroy you! The question is: DO YOU BELIEVE?

These four promises are meant to be ours and manifested in our lives so make it happen! Believe in God’s Word today and start living under the protection of the blood of the Passover Lamb.