As believers, we need to understand that God wants to love us. God wants to be intimate with us. God wants to commune with us. God wants our company and He wants to touch us. He wants us in His presence so that He can pour out His great love on us.
God desperately needs a love object. Why? Because He’s not just a Spirit, He is also love defined. Therefore, God needs something that He can pour His love on, or else, His love becomes self-contained and selfish. But He isn’t any of that. He is a generous God who loves to lavishly pour out His love on us because we are the apple of His eye. (Psalm 17:8).
God generously expresses His love for us through worship. And we, in return, must express our love back to God. This love that we receive from God is also the same love that God wants us to return to Him through our worship. How? By approaching Him and His presence with brokenness and with humility.
Approach God with Brokenness
Love has to be expressed in worship. It’s not an option. It’s not something to be done only whenever we just feel like it. This attitude is required. However, it’s sad to know that many people have a hard time expressing their love for God through worship because their hearts are always hardened and they never allow themselves to be broken. These are the kind of people who will never be true worshippers.
The Bible says that God never despises a person who comes to Him in brokenness. In fact, God is seeking for people with broken spirits and contrite hearts (Psalm 51:17) because He loves dwelling in people who are broken and humble. (Isaiah 57:15)
The problem is, we don’t come to God with brokenness. We do not deal with our hearts. And all we ever do is come to God and ask Him to give us things and once we get what we want, we forget God.
We need to grasp how God really wants to deal with our needs and understand that brokenness draws us closer to Him. If only we would learn how to deal with our hearts in such a way that our hearts will be contrite and broken before God, then we will always experience God’s love being poured upon us every time we worship Him. But, if we’re not willing to deal with the hardness of our hearts and be broken, if we choose to be bound by the cares of this life, by the riches of this world, by our offenses, and by our bitterness, then we can never worship God and experience His love being poured upon our hearts.
Approach God with Humility
If we ever come to God in arrogance, we can never enter His presence. There is an acceptable approach both to His presence and to His manifested presence – not only must we come broken before God, we must also come humbly.
We must remember that God graciously gives grace. Grace is the empowering presence to be where we’re called to be and to do what we’re called to do. We can only boast of God’s grace upon our lives and never of our own strength. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). So, if we want to enter God’s presence and experience more of this grace, we need to be humble. Why? Because God gives grace to the humble and He resists the proud (James 4:6). In fact, we repel God when we come in our arrogance. We drive Him away. Pride kills our intimacy with God.
Every time we approach God in worship, we must grasp that we have to be like Him. For if we’re not the same with His Spirit, it’s like trying to have light and darkness become one. We have to become like Him — conformed to His image and character.
God wants to shower us with His love. Let’s approach Him with brokenness and with humility in worship and see how He graciously pours out His love upon our hearts through His Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5)