A Season of Suddenly

Pastor Virgil Meares 

“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” 

Acts 2:1-2

“For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness,

Because the Lord will make a short work upon the earth.” 

Romans 9:28

We are in a season of suddenly as individuals and corporately as a church. Evangel Cathedral will experience change, growth, expansion, access, victory, and ownership this season. Since its foundation in 1955, many “suddenlies” have happened in our church. We’ve seen in the past how God has finished the work and cut it short in righteousness. In our current season, we believe that He will do the same. 

A look back at God’s faithfulness 

For over 60 years, God has shown our church this principle of “suddenly.”  Evangel Cathedral’s first church building was on Georgia Avenue, Northwest Washington D.C. The crossroad was New Hampshire Avenue on the corner of Rhode Island Avenue. Before our church’s building, we rented other buildings during our early years. Our first building seated 900 people. 

In 1971, we received a prophetic word that said “arise and build.” You’ve got to understand that our church at that time consisted of day workers and domestics. If there were any wealthy people, they did not let us know. This prophetic word came forth over and over during that time. The late Bishop John L. Meares pondered this word in his heart and thought about these things. During this time, it seemed impossible to “arise and build.” The church only had $35,000 in the treasury, but God opened up a way to buy a piece of land about a quarter acre. Despite being beside a car wash and a liquor store, the late Bishop knew that this was where God wanted His church to go.  

As many people left and the cost seemed too much, the Lord pruned the congregation as the building project started. With fewer members, people continued to give and serve the Lord through the church. Finally, in March 1975, we dedicated the new sanctuary on Rhode Island Avenue Northeast. Two hundred and fifty ministers from all across the nation came. God’s Word came into fruition. He gave the church a new boost as He fulfilled the vision. Even if there were years when the growth seemed slow, God built His church until it grew to have more than a thousand members. This growth would not have happened without God’s intervention.

Don’t miss this season

What is the work that God is about to do in our midst? The work involves activities and promises that are in accordance to His will. For those with unfulfilled dreams, it’s about time to pick those back up and take them off the shelf. Let God resurrect that dream and vision in this season.

In this season of “suddenly,” God is urging us to let our faith in His Son Jesus arise in our hearts so that we can accept what He wants us to accomplish in this season. He will be the one to finish the work. When it comes to the unanswered prayers in accordance with His will, He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness. 

When we say “righteousness,” it doesn’t only mean our justification. It also means doing things God’s way will always be right and perfect. When we do this, He will fulfill the things He promised. This year, God will fulfill His promises for those who will take hold of it. Once we have heard from the Lord, we must receive it and believe it. We must be expectant that God will fulfill the things that He has promised. God has already started this process of fulfillment. 

When we start seeing God’s promises unfold, don’t hesitate to share it with others because these are miracles. God has been so good to us. Whatever we’re going through, we must never rely on our own way because it will always be wrong and lacking. Though our intentions may be right, only God’s way must prevail in our lives. So focus on what God is doing in your life this season.

Expect a great year ahead 

“Behold the proud,

His soul is not upright in him;

But the just shall live by his faith.”

Habakkuk 2:4

“And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.” 

Deuteronomy 8:13

God will do some marvelous things that we will hear and witness. God brought us together as a church. We’ve got a great year ahead of us. Though it might not look like it in the world, with people suffering, in Goshen—in the will of God—there’s going to be light. 

In faith, believe that God has opened a door for us that no one can shut. Continue to seek Him and do right by Him. Let your faith move you to obedience so that you can see His promises become a reality.